SAS hoteliere Gay Lussac
6 rue Gay Lussac 75005 PARIS
RCS 483 176 566 PARIS
Siret: 399 393 826 00025
Share capital:160 000€
EU VAT No.: FR25483176566
Tel.: +33 (0)1 43 25 31 74
Email address: hotel@elysa-luxembourg.fr
https://www.elysa-hotel-paris.com/ is hosted by the company Ionos
Telephone No.: 09 70 80 89 11
https://www.elysa-hotel-paris.com is the exclusive property of the company Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION). It has been designed and produced by Christophe Arboux
Consultation is subject to internet users fully accepting and complying with the following conditions of use.
The internet user agrees to use the information contained on the Website for personal and non-commercial purposes. In the event that the internet user does not comply with the provisions of this Charter, their civil or criminal liability may be invoked.
1 – Website content
This website is operated by Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION).
It presents the hotel’s prices and services to internet users. It is possible to make an online booking.
The presentation of the prices charged by Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) is an offer to enter into a contract. It is also possible to contact Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) directly to obtain a bespoke commercial offer.
2 – Intellectual property
The Website is a work for which Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) is the author in the sense of Articles L111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
It is noted that the photographs on the Website are considered as intellectual works benefiting from copyright protection. Any unauthorised use of one or more of the photographs is an act of infringement as provided for in Article L335-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Generally, the data, programmes, musical samples, text, information, logos, visual identities, animated or still images and their formatting appearing on the Website are the property of Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) and protected as such by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.
All internet users agree not to use and not to allow anyone else to use this content for illegal purposes.
Any full or partial, temporary or permanent, representation or reproduction on a digital and/or paper medium, by any process whatsoever (particularly by way of framing*) of one or more of the Website elements or the services offered for sale, without the prior and express agreement of Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) is prohibited and is an act of infringement which may lead to civil and or criminal proceedings. Only printing on paper is permitted for the purposes of private copy for the exclusive use of the copier in the sense of Article L122-5 2° of the French Intellectual Property Code.
No hyperlink to the Website can be set up without the prior and express agreement of Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION).
*action of capturing the content of website pages to transfer it to another website by means of a hyperlink, making the aforementioned content appear as its own.
3 – Personal data protection
The internet user may be required to submit certain personal data when completing the forms provided. This data is needed by Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) to process the internet user’s request.
Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) agrees to comply with the provisions of the French data protection Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to computing, files and freedoms, and take every necessary precaution to protect the security of the personal data provided. No personal information will be sent to third party companies without the prior, informed consent of the internet user.
The internet user can, at any time, exercise their right to access, correct or oppose the information that they have provided during their registration or subsequently by contacting Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) by letter at Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION), 6 rue Gay Lussac, 75005 PARIS, or by email to hotel@elysa-luxembourg.fr
4 – Cookies
Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMODATION) wants to place a cookie on the internet user’s computer. A cookie cannot be used to identify the internet user; it simply creates a random number which records the information relating to the computer’s navigation of the Website and the contracts entered into by the internet user. This information is stored for 1 day from the date of subscription.
You can prevent “cookies” being stored on your computer by configuring your web browser as follows:
For Mozilla Firefox:
1. Select the “Tools” menu, then “Options”
2. Click the “Privacy” icon
3. Locate the “Cookie” menu and select the options you require
For Microsoft Internet Explorer:
1. Choose the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”
2. Click the “Confidentiality” tab
3. Select the desired level using the cursor.
For Google Chrome
1. Click the wrench icon in the browser tool bar
2. Select Settings
3. Click Show advanced settings
4. In the “Confidentiality” section, click the Content settings button
5. In the “Cookies” section, you can change your settings
5 – Liability
Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) does not assume any liability for any malfunctions that may occur on the Website and which may lead to a loss of data or the unavailability of the information produced on it.
The elements presented on the Website are likely to change without prior notice and are provided to internet users, without any kind of express or tacit, guarantee.
The presence of hyperlinks on the Website, regardless of whether such links have the prior and express agreement of Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) or not, does not create joint and severable liability between it and the owners of other websites in relation to the content of the websites to which the internet user is redirected.
Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION) cannot guarantee the exhaustiveness or veracity of the information presented on the Website. Similarly, it cannot guarantee the absence of changes by a third party (intrusion, virus).
Furthermore, the internet user is solely responsible for the use they make of the Website’s contents. Except in cases of serious negligence by the Hôtel Elysa (HOTEL – ACCOMMODATION), its liability can only be invoked for direct damages related to the use of the information produced on the Website.
6 – Applicable law and Legal jurisdiction
All the information provided on the Website and the use that is made of it are subject exclusively to French law. Only the courts under the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal are competent to rule on any disputes relating to the use of the Website.
7 – Right of withdrawal
In accordance with article L 221-28 of the Consumer Code, the Customer does not have the right of withdrawal provided for in article L 221-18 of the Consumer Code, given the nature of the services provided. The contract is therefore definitively concluded as soon as the reservation is made by the Customer in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Telephone marketing opposition list
Consumers are informed that they can register on the telephone anti-solicitation list, known asBloctel.