How to get here?

Public transport

Nearby RER stations:
Line B (Luxembourg) a 2-minute walk


Nearby Metro stations
Odéon, a 10-minute walk: lines 4 and 10
Cluny La Sorbonne, a 9-minute walk: line 10
Place Monge, a 14-minute walk: line 7


Nearby bus stations:
Lines 21, 27, 38, 82, 84 and 89, stop Luxembourg



From the SNCF railway stations

Gare Montparnasse

  • Direct access in 20 minutes via bus 82
  • Approximately 13 minutes by car


Gare du Nord

  • Direct access in 10 minutes via RER B


Gare de l’Est

  • Direct access in 25 minutes via bus 38
  • Direct access in 20 minutes via RER B
  • Approximately 18 minutes by car


Gare Saint-Lazare

  • Access in 25 minutes
  • Approximately 25 minutes by car


Gare de Lyon

  • Access in 20 minutes by public transport
  • Approximately 20 minutes by car

From the airports


  • 1 hour by public transport (direct via the RER B)
  • RoissyBus shuttle – more information here
  • Approximately 1 hour by car



  • Direct access by public transport, ORLY VAL line to ANTHONY, then RER B
  • Approximately 50 minutes by public transport
  • OrlyBus Shuttle – more information here
  • Approximately 40 minutes by car

Arriving by car?

Indigo Parking Paris Soufflot at 22 Rue Soufflot, a 2-minute walk, open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Information and booking:



Indigo Parking Place Saint Michel at 25 Rue Francisque Gay, a 10-minute walk, open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Information and booking:



Best price guaranteed

Booking through our website guarantees that you get the best online rate: a 12% reduction compared with the main booking sites (Booking.com, Expedia, etc.)


Best Price

Best price guaranteed

Booking through our website guarantees that you get the best online rate: a 12% reduction compared with the main booking sites (Booking.com, Expedia, etc.)

